Get Into the World of Resistance Training

Incorporating resistance training into your program can be highly advantageous for anyone, as it has been proven to promote increases in muscle size, strength, power, and even endurance. With the right planning and execution of this exercise form, you will reap immense rewards – read on for our ultimate guide!

When assessing young athletes, I often observe that resistance training could be beneficial for them. This can elicit varied reactions from parents – some have no idea what this form of exercise entails and ask me to explain it, while others already know about weightlifting but feel anxious about its safety for children. As a result, my main concern is usually not those who don’t understand the concept of resistance training but rather those who do yet still question whether or not it’s safe for kids.

Resistance training exercises, otherwise known as weight or strength training, put your muscles to work by contracting them against resistance. When done properly, it can be beneficial and safe for everyone – even children – in terms of increasing muscle size and strength and improving power and endurance.

What Is Resistance Training?

Everyone can benefit from resistance training, regardless of the equipment used. For example, gyms provide traditional apparatus such as free weights, machines, and bands, while bodyweight activities like push-ups and pull-ups are also effective forms of resistance exercise. By challenging our bodies to overcome an oppositional force, no matter what tool is utilized in the workout, we can see greater physical fitness results.

Resistance training may seem intimidating and overwhelming for those who are new to the activity, but it doesn’t have to be! The most important aspect of any exercise is proper form and technique. Once you can adequately demonstrate these two skills while performing bodyweight exercises like squats, then it’s time to add resistance with a barbell or other weightlifting equipment. However, if your form needs improvement when doing bodyweight movements — adding extra weight would be not only unsafe but also unwise at this point in your fitness journey.

Resistance Training Types

If you’re looking to increase the intensity of your workout, there are a few ways to do this- bodyweight exercises, free weights, machines, and resistance bands being some of the most popular options.


Calisthenics, or bodyweight training, utilizes gravity as resistance to build strength and power. This type of exercise is suitable for people with all levels of fitness since it can be adapted to an individual’s current level. Plus, it helps in perfecting balance, relative strength, and posture control – however, it may not provide enough stimulus for experienced athletes who are looking to reach their full potential. Furthermore, quantifying the workload created by these exercises is also difficult.

Free weights

Free weight training typically utilizes barbells, dumbbells, and kettlebells to help you reach your fitness objectives. To achieve success in exercising, homemade alternatives such as filled backpacks, water bottles, and jars of food can come to the rescue. Free weights are preferable since they provide a wider range of motion, imitate ordinary activities better than machine-based exercises, and transfer more efficiently into sporty actions.

Furthermore, owing to these increased movements necessitate extra stabilization muscle activation that results in better outcomes when participating in sports or doing day-to-day tasks. Nevertheless, it is essential to master the proper technique before utilizing free weights; else, aiming for desired goals would be an improbable undertaking!


Machines not only provide a sense of security for weight lifters, but they are typically simple and easy to learn. One advantage is that weight load adjustments take less time with machines than other free-weight methods. However, most machines do not differentiate between individual body types or engage the stabilizing muscles during exercise as much as regular weights would.

Resistance bands

Resistance bands come in a myriad of options: varying lengths, thicknesses, and colors, as well as unique designs. Generally, the shade of a resistance band is reflective of its level of difficulty. Not to mention, they are cost-effective and user-friendly! You can complete numerous exercises with only one or two bands – such as joining them to free weights or machines for an added challenge.

While free weight exercises rely solely on gravity’s downward pull, when you attach resistance bands to any stationary object, you open up possibilities in terms of direction and intensity during your exercise routine.

Resistance bands can be incredibly useful for new and experienced exercisers alike, as they make techniques like pull-ups easier to perform. The elasticity of the band offers an aiding effect that enables novice gym-goers to become comfortable with certain movements. Investing in a resistance band is especially beneficial if you’re looking to exercise at home — it’s truly a great investment!


Not too long ago, resistance training was thought of only in the realm of extraordinary strength athletes. It seemed that there was no reason for an ordinary individual to lift weights, and many believed it could actually be detrimental to their performance. Exercise as a whole became popularly advocated as a way to combat health problems from sitting still far too often – with aerobic exercise being the go-to form.

But times have changed! In recent years, weightlifting has become much more widely accepted by individuals from all walks of life, looking into its undeniable benefits.