The popularity of Hockey is not unknown to anyone, it is one of the most popular and interesting games. Generally, exciting matches are very hard to find, so it gets very boring if you are betting on this game. But, Hockey can be unpredictable as well. So, if you want to try your luck on Hockey betting you must know the dos and don’ts beforehand. It is to ensure that you are not repeating the mistakes that’d cost a pretty penny.
Suppose, you are going to place a bet on something to make money. You will definitely do a background check before putting your money there as you don’t want your money to be at stake, right? It’s the same here. But, now you must be wondering how you will predict the mistakes! The mistakes aren’t rare, they are pretty common and even experienced bettors fall prey to this. That’s why here are some common betting mistakes you should know before you commit yourself to something that would result in a loss.
- Misinterpretation of the Statistics
This is a very common mistake and is widely known, but the information is vague on this. So, check if you are understanding the Hockey stats in a wrong way or not!
Generally, people misinterpret the shots-on-goal statistics the most. At first, it seems when a team who is having lots of shots at goal is good because they get to score a lot of goals when it is

needed. Actually, many times it’s taking various shots which are low percentage. It may look good on the sheet. But, in reality, these shots aren’t going to help much in goal scoring.
So, you have to make sure that the stats accurately match your predictions.
This tip isn’t just applicable for shots on goal statistics. This is for every other statistics that you may check when you place your bets on Hockey.
- Using Statistics That are Not Accurate, Out of Date, or Not of Use
When looking at statistics, you must check that they are not backdated, useless, or inaccurate. Backdated statistics have, generally, not been modified in a long time. You should always use the stats which include most of the recent contests.
For this, you must check the sources regularly, and if it’s varying, you may need to change the site from where you come to know about the stats of Hockey.
You must also leave the stats which are coincidences in the name of statistics, which are awful for placing your bets on.
- Neglecting Player Exhaustion
Hockey, as a game, demands a lot of physical strength. A professional player can face the exact set of problems that nonprofessional athletes face. They are not immune to diseases or even fatigue or burnout. Their health can also break down during playing if they don’t get enough time to rest and recover from injuries, pains, or accidents.
This may look like a very simple tip, but if you don’t check the condition of the player while placing bets you will be at a great disadvantage. Your focus should be on a team who plays a lot of tournaments in a short time. You must also note the difficulty level and physical strength of the Hockey teams they play against, which will help you in making your deduction.
So, when you are unsure, it’s better not to bet on the teams which you think may be experiencing tiredness. That would mean they would not be at their best form in the game.
- Only Looking at the Offense
People normally keep an eye on the offensive power of a team because goals which are scored on the offensive position helps a team win a game. But it’s very important to note each team’s defense with caution before a prediction is made. No matter how good the offense is, if the defense stands tall in the front and doesn’t let the offense score goals, problems of losing to that team will increase.
In the stats, it’s shown that teams with strong defense have a better winning ratio than that teams with a strong offense.
The cliché phrase that teams with good defense win games is true most of the time. So, you need to make sure you put equal importance on defense when predicting.
- Failing to Look After Lineups
It is not at all time-consuming to check the player lineup in the game you would be betting in. If you don’t have the time or you don’t make the time to look at who is sitting out, who is injured, who has been suspended, you are doing yourself a disservice as well as your hockey bottom.
This doesn’t mean only checking on star players though. You need to check on who would be the goalie too. Whenever a team is seen using a second-string goalie, it most probably would left them at a great disadvantage unless and until they have a stud backup goalie in the team.
This tip might sound and look simple, but this is one of the most common mistakes. People neglect to check lineups over and over again, thus, repeating the same mistakes. There are lots of hockey resources that put out things you need to know about lineups online. Make sure you are updated on the resources before betting.
Summing Up
After all these tips and strategies, it may sound a lot difficult to bet on Hockey. But don’t worry, it is not! If you have the right information, the right strategies, the right work ethic, and high self-discipline, you can consistently make more money while betting.
You have to remember the key points though, the basic rules, to check lineups and look for injuries, to match the stats, and look for accuracy. You also have to look at teams that have a track record of a good comeback after failures, their offense, and more so their defense strategies, and make sure you don’t lose your money by being indifferent by not checking stats and the other important things that need to be checked upon. So, keep following the above mentioned tips and place bets strategically and keep winning money!